Nursing Assistant Technician/Home Health Aide

Certified Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide Program

Nursing assistants, sometimes called nursing aides, help provide basic care for patients in hospitals and residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes. Orderlies transport patients and clean treatment areas. Home health aides help people with disabilities, chronic illness, or cognitive impairment with activities of daily living. They often help older adults who need assistance.

About our Program

Peak Medical Academy offers a 102-hour NAT class and training program, which includes 78 hours of lecture, theory and lab practice which is approved by the Massachusetts (MA) Department of Public Health. In addition to this, the course includes 24 hours of clinical experience at a long-term care facility.

This course is designed to provide core knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality health care to patients in nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, hospitals, and at home.

Training is provided through lectures, videos, games, role-playing, and laboratory practice, providing techniques and instruction in the basics of personal care, feeding, and how to safely move and position patients.

Each component of the course is rooted in the five principles of care:

  • Dignity;
  • Independence;
  • Communication;
  • Safety;
  • Infection Control.

When are classes held?

  • Morning Classes;
  • Evening Classes;
  • Weekend Classes.

Entrance Requirements

To be eligible for admission, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be 18 years of age or older;
  • Must have negative PPD reading or normal chest x-ray (cannot be older than one year at time of clinical rotation);
  • CORI check provided by student at student’s expense, before taking part in clinical experience. 

Career Opportunities

The demand for qualified nursing assistants (NATs) have never been higher, even in an environment of job shortages across America and worldwide. Last year nursing assistants (NATs) held approximately 1.5 million jobs in the United States alone, and projections are that this career field will continue growing much faster than the average for all occupations over the next several years.

As the healthcare field becomes increasingly more complex and specialized, Peak Medical Academy offers top-quality training to present our students with the education needed to enter a career with a constant supply of job opportunities beyond the traditional hospital settings.

Nursing Assistant Technician/Home Health Aide

Clinical Medical Assistant

Phlebotomy Technician