Clinical Medical Assistant

You can become a Clinical Medical Assistant in less than a year, and our program costs a fraction of what other schools are charging.

There are few industries that offer as much opportunity and stability as the healthcare industry.  If you are considering a career in healthcare, becoming a Clinical Medical Assistant may be perfect for you. A career in medical assisting can provide you with everything you’re looking for: a short training period, excellent job opportunities, a good salary, and a professional working environment.

Nursing Assistant Technician/Home Health Aide

Nursing assistants, sometimes called nursing aides, help provide basic care for patients in hospitals and residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes. Orderlies transport patients and clean treatment areas. Home health aides help people with disabilities, chronic illness, or cognitive impairment with activities of daily living. They often help older adults who need assistance.

Nursing Assistant Technician/Home Health Aide

Clinical Medical Assistant

Phlebotomy Technician